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Open Call 
For Artists

Flare is seeking creative and experienced filmmakers with a commitment to social justice work, to facilitate the creation of a variety of film projects that aim to dissect and dismantle the status quo.

Every Flare project follows a thoughtful process, guided by a vision of compassion, courage, and provocation. To ensure that every Flare project is a successful and authentic collaboration, we look for artists who are both technically skilled and rooted in principles of justice.


Specific qualifications include:

Skill or Mastery of one of the following:

-Film Editing
-Visual Effects


-Visual Arts


Mission Alignment

-Commitment to organizing and community building.
-Agent for social change and human justice.
-Willingness to combat internalized, interpersonal, institutional, and systemic issues.
-Advocate for honest, reflective, art that challenges oppressive cultural beliefs and values.
-Authentic investment in community
-Commitment to engaging, listening, and co-creating artwork with community members.

Apply Today!

Please provide a link to your work and a brief summary of why you wish to collaborate with us.


Image by Christopher Campbell

Let's Get Started

Thanks for submitting!

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